Yearly Reports

Our Response to the COVID 19 Pandemic

children in covid


Though corporate giving has gone down in South Africa and despite the fact that many NPOs are struggling, God is still on the throne and prayer changes things. Our thoughtful and compassionate supporters and our dedicated volunteers continued to stand by Family Care Ministries this year. Despite the hardships many faced in their own lives, the donations given allowed us to buy the hundreds and hundreds of kilogrammes of fruit, vegetables, rice, potatoes, maize, samp, soya mince and other protein to enable us to serve 65,399 meals and to buy the food items for the 483 food parcels this year.


Children during covid


In addition to the feeding schemes we  have been running in Orange Farm and Evaton West for many years, Family Care Ministries volunteers opened a feeding scheme to approximately 250 children and elderly in Eldorado Park. Schools were closed for a good part of the year and once they reopened, children only attended classes on some of the weekdays. This meant that many missed out not only having their educational needs met but also on the meals that they are usually provided with at schools. We tried to fill the gap where we could and started feeding children three times a week in Eldorado Park and stepped up our  feeding in Drieziek Ext 9, in Orange Farm from feeding 300-450 meals once a week to feeding three times a week. For a good part of the year Family Care Ministries was able to also expand this food programme to the informal settlements of Tjovitjo nearby. This brought our food distribution close to 9,000 meals during these months.




Our volunteers also visit the elderly in their homes to help clean, cook meals or collect medication at the clinic on their behalf when needed.

Our monthly feeding programme to 120 elderly in the Brixton area was disrupted during the months of lockdown. As soon as we were able to raise the needed money we continued. We managed to bring a wholesome warm meal three times in this year and delivered food parcels on two occasions. Whenever possible we passed out one or two pieces of fruit, tea and sugar, or other food items along with the meal. While we were conscious and careful to avoid close contact, we still handed out a printed leaflet along with a smile and encouraging words. This did a lot to alleviate some of the fears and worries many are dealing with during this pandemic.

We were able to step up our biweekly distribution of 300 loaves of bread to a weekly one of the same amount.  Milk and eggs were distributed on a biweekly or monthly basis. 40 households received regular food assistance in Orange Farm and Evaton West alone.

Family Care Ministries was able to help school children who needed stationary. Whenever available we handed out school or other shoes, clothing and any household items we were given.

Most of the weekly food donations we received from a supermarket were delivered to the Boys Brigade in Noordgesig, Soweto. The couple serving the children and families in this community continue to help children to the best of their ability. We feel honoured to work with people who look past their own needs to care for others.

Bagging Mielie Meal

Other Food Distribution

In addition to all the hundreds and hundreds of kilogrammes of maize, rice, potatoes, vegetables and protein that goes into preparing 65,399 meals, Family Care Ministries volunteers distributed this year:

  • 394 crates of assorted foods, and other canned and dry goods
  • 12,800 loaves of bread
  • 2.3 tonnes of  maize
  • 130 jars of peanut butter
  • 1,000 l of milk
  • 1,410 dozen eggs
  • 3,300 kg of liquid eggs (egg pulp)
  • 20 kg E-Pap
  • 40 jars of soup ingredients

Donations in Kind

  • 47 bags of clothes, 4 of which contained jerseys and lovingly knitted scarves and beanies
  • 26 bags of shoes
  • 20 large boxes of toys and children’s books
  • a bakkie load of adult books
  • cleaning supplies
  • a bakkie load of household items
  • a double and a single sink and tiles to upgrade our kitchen in Orange Farm
  • a small fridge, printer, bread maker, and irons
  • 150 New Testaments
  • 50 Gift bags
  • 1200 pencils
  • 8 boxes of colour pencil sets
  • rulers, erasers and sharpeners
  • 100 sets of crayons
  • 120 pens
  • 400 highlighters
  • 200 sets felt tip markers


The donations of 12 boxes of paper were used to print 46,000 gospel tracts, 1,810 Bible verse booklets, and over 13,000 pages of Bible study course material in three languages. Aside from what was printed in house, we also distributed other Christian magazines and devotional and motivational booklets.

While sharing the Gospel one-on-one is most effective, our volunteers also used social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp to reach others. Messages went out via SMS and by email to spread God’s Word and to counsel and encourage others to find or cling to their faith in Jesus. These avenues of spreading the Gospel had to be utilized in a greater way throughout this year marked by lockdowns and restrictions. Through these avenues the Lord has helped us to change the world one heart at a time. Here are some of the responses we received:

When I see what you and the Lord are doing for the hungry and needy, my heart is so full of joy. I get tears in my eyes. It’s so, so wonderful. Praise the Lord and God bless you. – Beverly

Thanks for all the messages, testimonies and your prayers for me. Pastor, I respect you. Sending somebody a verse or just saying “I am praying for you” or even just sharing a testimony about what God is doing, does a great deal in someone’s life. I’m being encouraged, motivated and influenced to serve the Lord with all my heart. – Pastor Gently

Today God has given me a dad who prays for me and cares for our community. Thank you. I grew up without parents so you are very special to me. I will forever respect you. May God bless you and your family. – Florence

I feel like jumping. Thank you God for connecting my life with Family Care Ministries! I glorify your name, Jesus. – Simphiwe

I enjoy your words of wisdom and file them and spread them where needed!! Many thanks!!! – Suenette

There are many more but we just wanted to put a few here to show that the Lord’s love is powerful. It lifts, it encourages, and it transforms and changes people.


Early Childhood Development Training and Workshops

As an affiliate of EDU-BUILD INSTITUTE, Family Care Ministries has become a training provider offering SETA-accredited training to caregivers at ECD centres in Orange Farm offering the Early Childhood Development NQF Level 4 Certificate and the Level 5 Diploma in ECD courses. By December 2020 we had helped 6 ladies get their qualifications starting out as ECD practitioners. Unfortunately more than half of our students were unable to continue with their studies due to the hardships and financial strains many faced due to the pandemic.

We discontinued all other ECD training workshops for the time being due to lockdown restrictions. We did distribute two bakkie loads of used toys, books, and office and stationary supplies to a number of preschools in Orange Farm though.

Prison Ministry

Our ministry to inmates at Kutama Sinthumule Correctional Centre in Makhado, Limpopo, was disrupted on several occasions due to Corona Virus outbreaks or restrictions at Kutama. Despite this we managed to facilitate our Bible study courses at half capacity. We had therefore only 80 graduates by December 2020. Two inmates graduated from our advanced course while 8 others carried on with their studies throughout this year.

We can clearly see that lives are changing through the lessons and teaching. Here are some responses that we got from inmates:

Sydney: Proverbs 3:5-6 has taught me that in everything I do I should consult with God before so that it may prosper. I must not rely on myself because I might fail. But God doesn’t fail. He also said blessed are those who put their trust in the Lord. They will never be ashamed. This course has changed my life completely because now I depend in the Lord. Every situation that I come across in my life I hand it over to God because He is the one who is able to solve every problems. It has also taught me that if I put the Word of God first place in my heart, then the very same Word of God will produce an abundant harvest in my life.

Maphoto: The studying of this course has helped me a lot, especially in challenging me to give all of me to the Lord our God and having faith in Him. I have learned that God is not the source of our problems. The things we read in the Word of God, the Lord expect us to change the way we think. And as our thinking changes, so does our life.

Mpogo: Studying this course has helped me make my life to change for real. I came to prison without education and knowing nothing about correctional programmes. Starting to attend and learn about them (programmes and schooling), my life today is not the same as at the first appearance in prison. Now I understand that the Lord expects us to change our life about the things we read in the Word of God and accept and follow Jesus Christ as our spiritual leader for our entire life.

Aubrey: This course is fruitful to me because it helped me to memorize and mediate on the Word of God whenever I face challenges in my life. It also helped me to depend on God and put Him first all the time so that the seed inside me would produce the good fruit.

Malawi Work

Family Care Ministries has assisted the outreach work in Malawi for the past 11 years. Our volunteer workers are presently actively involved in training 600 pastors and other individuals who have a desire to teach, train, counsel and encourage others in six different locations. As part of our efforts we sent gospel pamphlets, Bible Study Course Manuals and Bible verse booklets to spread God’s Word and message. Family Care Ministries continues to support farming projects and youth outreach in the area.

Family Care Ministries aims to make a difference in the lives of needy families, child-headed households and the elderly. We attempt to help those who are able to to find ways to support themselves.

100 households received regular food assistance in Orange Farm and Evaton West alone. Shoes, clothing and household items were also distributed whenever available. Aside from the biweekly donations of bread and eggs we pass out, a total of 632 food parcels were distributed throughout this year. Some of our Christian businessmen friends continued to join our volunteers ministering to disadvantaged families & orphan households whenever their time permitted. The counsel, prayer and encouragement offered is as helpful as the food received.

Our volunteers also visit the elderly in their homes to help clean, cook meals or collect medication at the clinic on their behalf if need be. Six disabled people received food, clothing and help with transport to get them to appointments for treatment or to check-ups.

Since August 2019, 150-200 children, mostly from a nearby informal settlement, are served a warm meal and receive basic medical care once a week. A number of children are helped with their homework and meet for afternoon studies once or twice a week.

One of our volunteers started a children’s choir to give children something enjoyable and meaningful to do in their free time while another simply set some time aside to be available to talk, play and interact with the children. Family Care Ministries was able to help some school children who needed stationary, school uniforms, school shoes and books or help with their fees.

In addition to this, we continued to bring a wholesome warm meal to 120 elderly in Brixton every month of the past year. Along with the meal we hand out one or two pieces of fruit and home baked cupcakes. The encouraging words and time spent praying with and for the elderly make the visit the highlight of the month for many of them.

Most of the weekly food donations we receive from a supermarket are delivered to Ouma Helen, who is 88 years old now. She continues visiting and ministering to needy families in Industria and Fleurhof helping in whichever way she can. We feel honoured to work with such a sacrificial and selfless woman.

The following is a list of food items distributed by Family Care Ministries volunteers in 2019:

  • 632 food parcels
  • 377 crates of assorted foods, canned and other dry goods
  • 227 kg potatoes, 150 kg vegetables, 36 large heads of cabbage
  • 40 crates of fruit
  • 70 kg frozen vegetables
  • 2,270 kg of a rice
  • 1,400 kg of meat
  • 15,600 loaves of bread
  • 400 kg maize
  • 44 kg of peanut butter
  • 45 cases of sugar sachets
  • 121 kg coffee
  • 900 l of milk
  • 720 dozen eggs
  • 12,500 kg of liquid eggs (egg pulp)

Other Donations

Other donated goods included 3 crates cleaning supplies, 115 bags of clothes, 4 crates of text books, a monitor & keyboard, an oil heater, 4 bags household items, 1800 plates & 300 cups Styrofoam, a bakkie load of saucers & cups, teacher and school desks & chairs, 4 boxes of toys, 10 large boxes of ring folders & assorted office and school supplies.

No Kids without School Shoes

In 2017 Family Care Ministries started the campaign “No kids without school shoes”. Throughout 2019 we were able to provide needy families and preschools with 1,420 pairs of shoes. We cannot specify how many of those were school schools but are grateful for the help we received from Sole to Sole who assisted us with shoes.

Events & Christmas Programmes

On Heritage Day, the 24th of September, 90 food parcels were distributed to the elderly in Evaton West.  The singing and speeches and delicious meal was enjoyed by all.

Family Care Ministries assisted Ouma Helen again to organise a party for the children, families and elderly at one of the housing blocks in Fleurhof she regularly visits. The jumping castle, ice cream, snacks and stationary gifts were as great a hit as always with the children. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal together after some song and dance.


The donations of 21 boxes of paper were used to print 31,000 gospel tracts, 4,450 Bible Verse booklets, and over 13,000 pages of Bible study course class sheets in two languages. Aside from what was printed by Family Care Ministries, we also distributed 600 Christian magazines and 68 devotional booklets.

While sharing the Gospel one-on-one is most effective, volunteers also used social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp, SMSs and email messages to spread God’s Word and to counsel and encourage others to find faith in Jesus.

Early Childhood Development Training and Workshops

Our main focus  in 2019 was on starting up the EDU-BUILD INSTITUTE’S accredited Early Childhood Development NQF Level 4 certification course. Though we are not allowed to offer the course for free or for a discounted price, we were able to raise some of the start-up cost and running expenses.

Aside from this training programme, Family Care Ministries held 7 other workshops. Two of these were on planning lessons and learning activities for preschool children and fitting these into a daily programme. A total of 70 principals in Orange Farm attended the two meetings/workshops held to discuss training needs and see what assistance centres may need to register and meet government requirements to become eligible for subsidies. Three workshops helped preschool teachers get some important input and training on the developmental needs of babies, toddlers and young children and on various types of activities to use in the classroom. One key purpose of the workshops is to raise the level of awareness among caregivers of the importance of the early years in a child’s life. So many of the struggles that children face in schools is due to the lack of the development of foundational skills that children should be learning about and practicing while in preschool.

Family Care Ministries also donated 2 bakkie loads of used toys, books, and office and stationary supplies to a number of preschools in Orange Farm. Here are some responses from the workshops:

Everything was powerful. I gained something important for my day care centre. Thank you.

The workshop was definitely fruitful. I really appreciated learning about a child’s needs for development and would really like to learn more. Well done, Talitha, you make learning fun.

I have learned a lot with this course work especially on how to stimulate the development of language and communication skills.

I have learned a lot but the three days are too short. You must add more days. We need at least two weeks.

I gained knowledge through the lessons I received during these days I attended. Very good.

Malawi Work

Family Care Ministries has assisted the outreach work in Malawi for the past 10 years. Our volunteer workers there are actively involved in training pastors and other individuals who have a desire to teach, train, counsel and encourage others. As part of our efforts we sent gospel pamphlets, Bible Study Course Manuals and Bible verse booklets to spread God’s Word and message. Family Care Ministries continues to support farming projects and youth outreach in the area.

Prison Ministry

Family Care Ministries continued the rehabilitation work among inmates at Kutama Sinthumule Correctional Centre in Makhado, Limpopo. Nearly 200 inmates participated in the course we again offered in the three prison sections of this maximum security facility. We provide the course materials which are used by three facilitators to teach the inmates. The facilitators, who are inmates themselves, are overseen by the Chaplain’s office and report to us sending the tests the students write after each chapter. 185 of the students had earned a certificate by the end of 2019. This year Family Care Ministries was again able to mail 68 Christian booklets on different themes to those 14 students who participate in our advanced course. We can clearly see that lives are changing through the lessons and teaching. Here are some responses that we got from inmates:

Piet: Since I believe in Jesus Christ in my life, I saw lots of things that have changed in my spirit, soul and mind. I feel good all the times, I don’t have anger anymore. I know how to pray and how to read the word of God. Reading the word of God affects me in my life. I have experiences according to the word of God. I know how to stay positive all the time. I sleep at night because of the word of God and I believe in Him.

Tebogo: Truly speaking now I really feel relief. It is like something was weighing me down on my shoulders but now I am always happy. God is wonderful and great. Thanks to Him. Before I was having no knowledge according to the word of God. I didn’t know how to read the Bible. But now I know and since I started I even know what God wants from us to be saved. Now I know that I must live plowing my way to heaven not looking at the worldly things because our treasure is in heaven.

David: I am truly grateful for the lessons that you are teaching me. By reading your pamphlets I have found salvation and a deep connection with the Holy Spirit. I now find it easier to meditate on the Word, pray and fast. My spiritual life has been altered. To God be the glory. Thank you!

Nkopodi: Since I became a believer I have experienced the great love that God has for us and how much He cares for us. I have come to understand His Word and that it is life. It is like a rain that never goes out and returns to Him without watering the ground. I am immersed in His Word and saved. Reading the Word of God has affected my life tremendously. I can now meditate and come into connection in the spiritual realm with God. I am filled with joy for I know that His Word says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


Family Care Ministries volunteers regularly assess the needs of the various community members we have been assisting throughout the year. Our aim is to make a difference and help those who are able to find ways to support themselves.

  • 100 households are receiving regular food assistance in Orange Farm and Evaton West alone.
  • Volunteers go to clean the houses of sick people, cook meals for them and collect medication at the clinic on their behalf.
  • 25 orphans have been provided with study materials and clothing items they needed for school. They also receive food parcels on a monthly basis.
  • A wheel chair and walking sticks were given to 7 disabled people. They also received a Bible and food parcels and clothes regularly.
  • Abused women and children received counselling and were helped to get to social workers for further assistance.
  • Youths taking drugs were referred to a rehabilitation centre for counselling and medical attention.
  • 18 children are helped with their homework and meet for afternoon studies twice a week.
  • Blankets were distributed to the elderly and disabled.

In addition to this, we continued to bring a wholesome hot meal to 120 elderly in Brixton at the end of every month of the past year. Along with the meal we give out fruit and home baked cupcakes. The encouraging words and time spent praying for the elderly make the visit the highlight of the month for many of them.

Because so many children come for food as well, some of our volunteers have prepared hot dogs, and bought snacks and juice for them and pass them out.

Most of the weekly food donations we receive from a supermarket are delivered to Ouma Helen, who is 87 years old now. She continues visiting and ministering to needy families in Industria and Fleurhof helping in whichever way she can. She has started visiting the homeless bringing once a week a warm meal to about 30 of them.

On Heritage Day, the 24th of September, 80 food parcels were distributed to the elderly in Orange Farm.  The local community gathered to sing and dance for them while they enjoyed a delicious meal.

The following is a list of food items distributed by Family Care Ministries volunteers in 2018:

  • 327 food parcels
  • 564 crates of fresh fruits, vegetables, other assorted foods, canned and other dry goods
  • 144 kg frozen vegetables
  • 112 kg of a rice
  • 775 kg of meat
  • 9620 loaves of bread
  • 125 kg maize
  • 17 kg of sugar
  • 284 l of milk
  • 15,300 eggs


The Band of Brothers, a group of Christian business friends who have joined Family Care Ministries to make a difference in the lives of families in Orange Farm, have continued to join our volunteers on a monthly basis in visiting and ministering to disadvantaged families & orphan households. The prayer and encouragement offered are as helpful as the food parcels. One single mother who was sleeping with her 5 teenage children on one double bed in a one room shack got a big surprise when an additional room was built for her family paid by one of the business men. It was furnished with a bed for each one them.

No Kids without School Shoes

In 2017 Family Care Ministries started the campaign “No kids without school shoes”. Our volunteers who visit families regularly had noted that some of the children didn’t have any school shoes while others had shoes that were too small or broken beyond repair. In 2018 we were able to provide 341 pairs of school schools to needy children in Orange Farm and Evaton West. We are grateful for the help we received from Sole to Sole and from a caring and concerned business man who provided 150 pairs and helped to distribute them among the children of the families we regularly assist.

Other Donations

Other donated goods included a gas heater and 157 blankets which were distributed during the cold winter months. In addition to the food, caring for the needs of families included the passing out a total of 111 bags of used and new clothes and more than 400 used and new adult and children’s shoes. Family Care Ministries volunteers also distributed 30 dozen sanitary napkins and 550 adult diapers to those who needed and could not afford to get them. A wheel chair and walking sticks were provided for 7 disabled persons.

A friend who was closing down her business gave us 3 bakkie loads of fabric and thread. The material was delivered in Orange Farm and Evaton West and promptly turned into bedspreads, pillow cases and clothes by the ladies who could sew. Nothing went to waste.

Family Care Ministries volunteers also distributed 850 stationary sets, toys and books to children in the area. Four fire extinguishers and four First Aid kits were given to preschools who lacked the finances to purchase this essential safety equipment.


Early Childhood Development Workshops

Our ministry to principals and caregivers who work in the ECD environment continued to grow.  The message to lay a better foundation for the future learning for South Africa’s children in township areas reverberated with many and the sense of personal responsibility in this task is growing. It is becoming better understood that the struggles children face in schools is due to the lack of foundation children received in their early years.

Family Care Ministries held workshops in Ennerdale, Vlakfontein, Eldorado Park, Naturena and Orange Farm. 165 principals and caregivers were able to get some important input and training on the developmental needs of babies, toddlers and young children and on various types of activities to use in the classroom. We received some sponsorship and were able to donate teacher guide books, picture cards and other educational toys to some of preschools but a lot more has to be done to meet the needs.

The caregivers didn’t realize how easy it can be to make a puppet until they tried it. Using a plastic bottle and some fabric they came up with these amazing creations.

Here are some responses from the workshops.

Thank you for the opportunity to come to the workshop. It was truly inspiring, motivating, joyful, exciting and loving. God bless you. Keep up with the good work. Don’t give up. Let’s change the world. – Lesedi E.C.D. & Preschool

Thank you very much. It is important, motivating, exiting and I learned many things. Please come again.- Mkanyezi Day Care

The workshop makes me feel better and teaches me how to take care of the children at the centre. The pictures that I have seen show me how to take care of and love the children and what I have to do or say in front of them. I’m teaching! I have enjoyed everything that I’ve seen and learned today. – Buhle Smart Beginnings

For me the workshop was good, for us and for the children of Orange Farm. You opened my eyes and let me see that I am very important and I play a big role. I have to keep it up and help the others and come back again. I love what you are doing and I wish you can come to our crèche and guide us. We are with you on your side. We will make it big. – Sedibeng Sa Thutu Day Care

The workshop has been a real eye opener for me because it made me see things that I did not know about. It helped me know how children are like. I am really grateful for it. Thank you for this.- Nkululeko Pre & Nursery School


Our volunteer heading Family Care Ministries’ ECD training project was able to meet with 90 principals from the Orange Farm area to discuss plans for 2019.

Thanks to the help of Calulo Foundation we were able to upgrade a preschool in Orange Farm. The roof at Isibuko Sezwe Preschool was leaking into the classrooms every time it rained and some of the support beams had rotted needed replacement. We fixed the problem so the 30 children could be in a safer environment. The drab looking paint was peeling off the walls in places. A young team of volunteers worked for a couple of days to brighten up the classrooms. With Calulo Foundation’s help we supplied the fabric to sow 30 mattress covers that were needed and curtains for the classrooms.

Family Care Ministries donated some used toys and bought some educational toys, teaching aids and books for the children as well. The teacher guide we gave each teacher lists scores of simple-to-do activities that help create a stimulating environment for children. In addition, Family Care Ministries offered 6 training workshops for caregivers from several of the preschools in the area.

Prison Ministry

When a fire was set at Kutama Sinthumule Correctional Centre, the classroom facilities used for Bible studies were damaged. The repairs on the rooms took longer than expected. There were therefore no classes in session during the first half of 2018. Because of this the total number of Bible study enrolments for the year was quite low compared to previous years.

In addition to this we experienced long delays in getting mail to inmates via the postal service which made it difficult to keep the course running. With the help of the residing Chaplain and his office staff though, we did manage to keep classes going for the second half of the year.

Family Care Ministries invested in Christian booklets on different themes to distribute to inmates. We were able to mail 95 to those participating in our advanced course.

Here are some responses that we got from inmates:

I enjoyed the course very much. Since I started this course, I pray and read my Bible daily. This course helped me to understand the Word of God better and now. I love the Word of God. More than anything else in the world, I’m willing to change my life for the better.- Lucky

I enjoyed this course because this course is teaching me about love. It teaches me that without love you’re nothing and other things I need when I go out. It encourages me to stay away from stealing. I thank God for that. Thank you.- Frans

I have enjoyed the course very much and I have also learnt the deep things of God which are hidden that most of the preachers of today don’t teach in the church. They teach so much about motivation and the pleasures of this world. I would like to receive more books of this teaching.- Sifiso

I don’t know how I can say thank you for this course. I thought I was alone. I thought there is no one who loves me. But now I know that there is Someone who loves and cares about me. His name is Jesus. The book of Luke 6:38 says, “Give to others and God will give to you.” There is so much that I learnt in this course.- Siyabonga

I enjoyed the course greatly. It helped me weigh my faith and works as a Christian and helped me see see that I am still lacking in many ways, i.e. helping those who are in need spiritually and material wise. The stories used as examples in your pamphlet taught and motivated me greatly.- Sipho

Christmas Programs and Events

Family Care Ministries did not manage to raise the funds needed to host the yearly large Christmas parties for children in township areas. It was decided that the funds that we were able to raise would be invested in ways that would benefit our dedicated volunteers more directly. They sacrifice their time and put a lot of effort into the work without receiving any remuneration. As most of them do not have jobs, we assisted them in ways that would help them be more effective in their work. Two volunteers received cell phones that would enable them to document their activities and communicate with our chairman and coordinate projects more effectively. A single mother was given a sewing machine that would enable her to make better use of donated fabrics, fix second hand clothing items, and raise some needed support for her family.

Although we cancelled the Christmas parties in Orange Farm, Evaton West and Soweto, Family Care Ministries did assist Ouma Helen who organized again a party for the children at one of the housing blocks she regularly visits. We had brought a jumping castle for the event but found on arrival that there was no electricity in the part of Fleurhof. We had to go in search of a generator and got a much later start than expected. Despite the delays though the children had great fun and spent the time waiting by playing games and showing off their dance skills.


Boxes and boxes of paper were used to print 20,200 gospel tracts, 2,440 Bible Verse booklets, over 6,000 pages of Bible study course class sheets, 64 Bible Study Course Teacher Manuals, and other pamphlets in three languages. Aside from what we printed, we also distributed 500 Christian magazines, 47 Bibles and 307 devotional booklets. A member of the Gideons International joined with their daughter to hand out over 100 New Testaments to the elderly and others of the Brixton community.

While sharing the Gospel one-on-one is most effective, volunteers also used social media such as Facebook and Whatsapp, SMSs and email messages to spread God’s Word and to counsel and encourage others to find faith in Jesus.

Malawi Work

Family Care Ministries has had a work in Malawi for the past 9 years now training disciples and leaders who have a desire to teach others to teach others. As part of our outreach we sent gospel pamphlets, Bible Study Course Manuals and Bible verse booklets to assist trainers and trainees to spread God’s Word and message. Family Care Ministries has supported a farming project and youth outreach by supplying 5 soccer and 5 netball balls.

Talitha hands out sponsored sets of teacher guides. Each contains simple-to-do activities that help create a stimulating environment for young children.

Talitha hands out sponsored sets of teacher guides. Each contains simple-to-do activities that help create a stimulating environment for young children.


Ouma Helen and Josef are bringing two of the 157 blankets we distributed in 2018 to these elderly gentlemen.

Ouma Helen and Josef are bringing two of the 157 blankets we distributed in 2018 to these elderly gentlemen.