Motivational Messages

Motivational Messages

THE WEIGHT OF THE POWER OF PRAYER There was a man who tried to weigh a prayer once but never found...

TAKE A SPIRITUAL CLEANING DAY By Rick Warren “The Lord gave us mind and conscience; we cannot hide...

FAITH IN A TIME OF CRISIS No matter how devastating, irreversible, or hopeless things seem when...

DRAWING ON GOD’S STREGTH Allan Tabaro Just before Christmas a few years ago, I was involved in...


FINDING HOPE AMIDST ADVERSITY: How Family Care Ministries Can Help Section 1: Hope in Times of...

FINDING HOPE AMIDST ADVERSITY 2 Introduction As we face uncertain times, it is important to remember...

THE POWER OF LOVE AND HOPE in Family Care Ministries The Importance of Meeting Physical Needs At...